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Bernie Supporters and Bad Memes
(08-14-2015, 09:07 AM)fredtoast Wrote: Why would anyone want to cripple Bill Gates fortune?

I don't want the rich to be poor.  I just want them to pay more of a fair share.

It is amazing how the wealthy elite have convinced so many people in the middle class to worship them at the same time that they are making sure that the middle class does not share in the economic gains.

I'd say that it's equally amazing that liberals have convinced the lower and middle classes that they are on their side, and yet it is both of those classes that continue to pay the price for your dreamworld socialistic utopia. 

Again, show me how much poverty 29 trillion dollars has ended since The Great Society started.  I'll anxiously await your statistical analysis to show me exactly how many less people live in poverty today than in 1964. 

The funny thing is that you lay all of the blame on "the rich" and place zero blame on the people themselves, and yet you've also gone on record stating that there will always be poor and there will always be rich.  DUH.  No kidding.  It's amazing to me that you're able to figure that out, but somehow can't make the connection that the rich have not ever nor will ever pay for a tax increase, until such a time that the government starts confiscating wealth rather than taxing income. 

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RE: Bernie Supporters and Bad Memes - jakefromstatefarm - 08-14-2015, 02:42 PM

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