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Macron: EU needs joint budget, joint military.
(09-29-2017, 03:08 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: A few things.  There is no question that Germany benefits immensely from the EU and its shared currency.  There is equally no question that Germany, as the most populated country in the EU and the strongest economy, by far, has the most weight to throw around within the EU.  There is a lot of complaint that Germany's currency advantage is unfair, as their currency is affected by less robust (to put it kindly) economies like Greece and Eastern European countries.

St. Lucie has been pushing the evil Germany trope for some time.  It is honestly one of the most inane theories I have ever heard.  Germany is not a country that we have to worry about carrying out aggressive, anti-democratic, foreign policy.  The desire to be the biggest dog in your particular kennel is normal and in no way an indicator of aggressive current or future intent.  Russia is a concern to regional nations, but they have no ability to project power very far from the borders of their country.  The only threat Russia represents to the US as a military power is in partnership with China.

As to the thread topic, I don't see a EU military, under a single command, ever being an actual thing.  For one there is too much national history in Europe, over a thousand years of it in many cases, to subsume completely to a federal power structure.  Eastern Europe in particular is very distrustful of an overreaching EU, and their sentiments in this regard are shared to varying degrees by other nations like Greece.  A better alternative would be for the NATO nations to actually spend the agreed upon percentage of their GDP instead of being essentially subsidized by US defense spending.  The logistics involved in a conglomerate military with that many culturally (language, military tradition/discipline) different nations would be immense.  Not only that, but who, ultimately is in charge of such a force, who gets to decide were, when and under what conditions it is deployed?  Would Poland object to a military intervention that France is proposing.  Even more likely, would Germany make any deployment of military forces difficult due to their martial history and desire to atone for it?

Bottom line, I don't think it's a workable idea. 

Germany has been financially crushing the rest of the EU with its exports. The Euro is just bad for everyone except Germany.

Germany isn't a concern until they get the military they are unable to currently have more than 370,000 personnel. Nor Nukes or chemical weapons. If an EU army is formed they will have access to those and if they have power over EU decisions they would be exceeding their limits. There are carve outs for the EU army in the Lisbon Treaty..... and which was voted down but forced through the back door by the Germans in the EU.

The plans for the EU were a long term goal of Hitler and the Nazi's. If it was still only a trade union then it would be of no concern. But now they override laws of each country, force open the borders, regulate the heck out of every industry.

Next move is to form the EU army so they can secure the borders from the migrant rush that the Germans unleashed onto Europe.

As to my belief Germany is headed towards being an enemy. As I have posted I am not the only one who thinks they have too much control in Europe. The Polish are beside themselves

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RE: Macron: EU needs joint budget, joint military. - StLucieBengal - 09-29-2017, 03:39 PM

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