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Bernie Supporters and Bad Memes
(08-14-2015, 04:40 PM)fredtoast Wrote:
Quote:Show me how much cancer rates have dropped withe all the money that has been spent on research and medication?  Your logic fails.  The fact is that there would be many MORE people in poverty if not for government programs.

lolwut?  I didn't ask for opinion.  I suppose there's stats out there somewhere to prove this, is there not?  I'm not asking for an assumption of the success.  We've spent 29 trillion in 50 years.  Where are the proven, statistical results to prove that there are less people in poverty than there was in 1964.  

Quote:And I don't blame the rich for anything.  I blame the government and the middle class rubes who worship the rich and continue to support laws that allow them to acquire all of the increase in wealth and income while the middle and lower classes have seen stagnate wages over the last 30 years.

Exactly what kind of laws allow them to acquire all of the increase in wealth and income?  What laws would you propose that we pass to prevent this from happening?

Quote:And you have no clue how the tax system works if you think the wealthy don't pay any taxes.  in fact the wealthy pay more income taxes than any other group. So stop spewing that gibberish until you have something to back it up.  Do you believe that the wealthy have no income?  

The point obviously went over your head.  Taxes are obviously passed off to the largest class, the middle class.  Yes, a fairly high-income earner (say the CEO of a fortune 500 company) may pay quite a lot in income taxes.  39.6% was the highest for 2014, for example.  A lot of really wealthy people do not have income.  They may have investments, in which they are paying capital gains tax in lieu of federal income tax.  That tax rate is much lower (20% was the highest in 2014).  Meaning that a wealthy person (think a guy like Gates) who most assuredly doesn't receive a paycheck but also has investment income is only paying a 20% tax on whatever gains he has.  

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RE: Bernie Supporters and Bad Memes - jakefromstatefarm - 08-14-2015, 05:35 PM

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