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Black Lives matter shuts down Bernie
(08-14-2015, 02:39 AM)JustWinBaby Wrote: The real problem is globalization.  You can whine about outsourcing all you want, but if American companies (companies which pay taxes and dividends to shareholders) don't do it, someone else will and take their business.

I agree that globalization is a problem, but the answer is not for us to lower ourselves to third world levels.

Here in America during the industrial revolution we faced the same problems that emerging economies across the world are facing now.  The wealthy elite were oppressing and exploiting the labor force.  Many people fought end died for American labor to earn some fairness in the market.  There were violent clashes between labor and ownership that resulted in people dying for a fair wage.

So today we should not give up all of those gains and return back to the days when lawer and middle classes were exploited so that the owners of industry could amass huge fortunes.  If the rich were not getting richer due to globalization then I would agree that labor should take a cut.  But that is not happening.  American corporations continue to reap massive, even record profits.  So we should not ask labor to bear the burden of globalization.

Eventually the markets in other emerging countries will balance out.  citizens in those countries will also stand up and demand a fair share of the profits.  So the United States should stand as an example of what these other countries can attain instead of ggoing back to the days of a small minority reaping all the profits while pushing the lower and middle classes down.

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RE: Black Lives matter shuts down Bernie - fredtoast - 08-14-2015, 05:50 PM

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