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Black Lives matter shuts down Bernie
(08-14-2015, 05:38 PM)fredtoast Wrote: I can't figure out what you think should be done?

You sem to be in favor of cutting out government benefits to the poor.  But then you say we need these programs?

Tell me exactly what you think should be done so I can properly address your position.

Why does everything have to be all or nothing?

I advocate for a safety net.  I don't want people starving to death and living in the sewer.  I believe that government pretty much screws up everything that it touches, so I'd favor doing the bare minimum. 

What I don't like is programs that promote laziness or dependence. 

I'd prefer that government stop passing out section 8 vouchers and instead build large one room "apartments" with as little comforts as possible.  I'd also prefer that they stop handing out food stamp cards and invest in pantries that also offer nothing but the bare necessities.  If you can't afford to buy your own groceries, no more soda pop, steaks, and potato chips on the public dime. 

Perhaps if living in poverty were uncomfortable and not very luxurious, people might begin to take education a little more serious and consider every job opportunity as a potential way out, rather than a temporary thing that they don't really care about because they'll still have a roof over their head and food on their plate.  Maybe they'd think twice before they had unprotected sex, because they might be financially responsible for a child instead of having a kid that they have no financial means to take care of but don't care because they'll pass the costs onto the taxpayer. 

In short, I believe in personal responsibility.  Most liberals don't like me at all for that reason.  Those two words typically make them cringe.  

Messages In This Thread
RE: Black Lives matter shuts down Bernie - jakefromstatefarm - 08-14-2015, 05:52 PM

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