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Black Lives matter shuts down Bernie
(08-14-2015, 05:19 PM)jakefromstatefarm Wrote: Do all of the moderators here generally insult people here at the level you employ?  Just curious, because both of your posts addressed to me have contained insults.

Now that we have that out of the way, two things: 

1)  So you believe that Greek's fiscal situation has nothing to do with fiscal irresponsibility, and everything to do with joining the euro and whatever other excuses you're using here?  Seriously?  That'd be like a family having 70k of credit card debt and blaming the interest rate for why they are broke. 

2)  I'm not an insurance guy.  Perhaps you have me confused with somebody else.  

No, generally just me and generally just when there is a gross misrepresentation of things.

1- Largely. They had a bad economy, they were unable to adjust to their rate of boom and then bust when converting to the euro. Fiscal irresponsibility may have accounts for their slump between the 80s-00s, but not the large amount of growth after they switched and the debt that followed.

It's more like a family investing in stocks while the market is climbing and then not having money with any value when the market falls out.

Which has nothing to do with trickle up or down.

2- Maybe... Jake from State Farm?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: Black Lives matter shuts down Bernie - Benton - 08-14-2015, 06:15 PM

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