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Another old ugly white man accussed of Sexual Harrishment!
I miss the pre-politicization days. Back when a sleaze ball like Weinstein was just a sleaze ball. 

Now, he's a liberal sleaze ball. 
Donald Trump isn't just a sleaze ball. He's the conservative sleaze ball.

I'm going to lobby Congress (with all the $43 in my pocket) to build a great scoreboard. In honor of the POTUS, the hugest scoreboard ever. No — even better — two. 

We'll put one — the Republican Contingent — on the border with Canada. Why, because just like their gerrymandered districts, there's few people up there.

We'll put the other one — the Democrat Contingent — on the border with Mexico. Why, because most of the factory jobs that kept the party  going are now in Mexico anyway.

We'll put the scoreboards up at the top and bottom of the country and every time anything happens... anything... one side or the other gets a point. Just text in whatever offended you today.

Someone says Merry Christmas at Walmart? Point down south, take that Christian Conservatives!
Someone refuses service because you look too feminine? Point up north, take that liberals!
POTUS says he met with the President of Maryland? Dems get a point.
A Hollywood producer who is probably a Democrat does something sleazy Hollywood producers do? Republicans get a point.

It'll be great! We'll spend billions in taxes on the board, and people can ignore all their daily problems by pointing to how their side is doing.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: Another old ugly white man accussed of Sexual Harrishment! - Benton - 10-16-2017, 03:31 PM

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