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Ben Carson: It was OK for me to do research on aborted fetuses
(08-15-2015, 10:54 PM)Shake n Blake Wrote: Yes I believe in God. God has created everything that we know.
There you go.  God created everything.  Including life.  Can anyone or anything create life other than God?

Quote:The cells of the tree in my backyard are alive as well, but that doesn't make it a human life. 

Those tree cells aren't human.  I never claimed they were.  But, they are alive.  Who created everything? Including life?

Quote:As JakeFromStateFarm (love that name) pointed out, skin cells are also alive,

Yes, those skin cells are alive.  Glad we agree.  Who created those skin cells and who animated those skin cells with life?  Who created everything? Including life?

Quote:yet I don't think anyone would consider that a human life on it's own. 

I should hope no one would consider skin cells human life.  I'm glad I didn't make that argument.  You would have to be "obtuse" to believe that BS.  (I'm looking at you, jakefromstatefarm.)  But, if similar cells were found on Mars would you consider them "life" or not?

Quote:It's just part of a human being, as is a sperm or egg cell.

Correct.  I think we're about to hug it out.

Quote:A sperm fertilizing an egg and the combination of genes from a man and a woman is what makes a "human life". It's not all that complicated. 

You need a sperm to fertilize an egg to create a human, but the life part is a bit more complicated than you believe.  We know from in vitro fertilization that fertilization (conception) can occur, but there is no life.  Can you explain that to me?

Quote:One question: Can a sperm grow into a human being on it's own?
No.  I never claimed it could.  But, that doesn't mean it isn't alive or "life".  Every time I mention life several of you always have to attach the adjective "human" to it.  As if "life" doesn't count as life, unless it is "human life."  I disagree.  Who did you write created everything? God?  Can anyone or anything create life other than your God?  No.  Even the tiniest little sperm cell is so complicated only your God could create it.  Correct?

Life is life.  It doesn't matter if it is a grown adult or a single cell.  Doesn't matter if it is a human, animal, or vegetable.  It is life.  That thing all of you think is a miracle.  I doesn't require "human" attached to it in order to have meaning.

A human embryo is life.  A human ovum and a spermatozoa are life.  They are alive because they came from live, adult humans.  Who came from children who came from babies who came from fetuses who came from embryos who came from sperm and eggs who came from adults who came from children, etc, etc, etc.

Conception is the beginning of a potential new human, but it isn't new "life" because of everything I just explained.  You may be intelligent enough to understand my point, but I know ol' jakefromstatefarm was lost since jump street.

Which brings me back to the beginning, the logical fallacy that life begins at conception.  Life continues at conception, it doesn't begin there.  So at what point does a life have individual rights?  At birth?  At 24 weeks when the chance of survival outside the uterus is 50/50?  At conception?  Before conception?

As you can see on this message board and across the world's different countries, religions, cultures, ethnicities, etcetera there isn't a single universal answer.  The best anyone can hope for is to follow their own conscience rather than be forced to follow the idiotic ramblings of someone like jakefromstatefarm who can't even decide if he is open minded or not over the course of a 4 hour conversation.

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RE: Ben Carson: It was OK for me to do research on aborted fetuses - oncemoreuntothejimbreech - 08-16-2015, 03:46 AM

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