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Globally, Broad Support for Representative and Direct Democracy
(10-18-2017, 04:00 PM)JustWinBaby Wrote: But it's a smaller, less populous echo chamber that has less impact on voting.

And I've worked all over the US, big cities and small cities.  Conservative values and politics were not worn on the sleeve in podunk towns....But in the "liberal meccas" the BS can't be avoided.

IMO, the liberals are far more aggressive about imposing their views.  And I'd say it's a much bigger, much more powerful echo chamber.  I've seen it - and you see it on message boards - the liberal game right now is identity politics, and you see people reluctant to express conservative views because liberals come along to shout them down as racist, sexist, whatever.  "If I can't get you to agree with me, at least I can use vilify your position to get you to shutting up"

I don't want either extreme choosing the direction of the country.  The left wing view IS overrepresented, it IS taking over the Democratic party, and it IS dangerous and reckless

I think what you are seeing is what has been going on for a long time, which is the identity politics game being played by the Democrats because that is what they can use to differentiate themselves from the GOP. We've seen this crop up ever since the Democrats have started espousing neo-liberal positions, which means that economically they don't differ a ton from their colleagues on the other side of the aisle. Because of this, the only way to try to sway voters is to play the identity game and get people of color, women, and the LGBT community to think that they have their best interests in mind while the other guys don't. Spoiler: that's always been a lie. This isn't to say that the idea of equity among the citizens of this country and equal protection under the law isn't something we should be striving for and is a valuable thing, but there is a reason that the biggest efforts on that front in recent years have come about from the judiciary.

Now, this is me coming in to say that I disagree that the actual liberals coming in and trying (because they haven't done it, at least not yet) to take over the Democratic party is a bad thing. I know you probably aren't someone that necessarily agrees with social liberalism or the New Deal type of Democratic ideals, but I feel like having a party with those positions again would be a good thing. I know the identity politics stuff is really what gets a lot of attention, but liberalism and those of us that are trying to pull the party more to the left aren't just about that. We want that equity for these people, but we want equity for all people and we want the programs and policies we advocate for to help all people.

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RE: Globally, Broad Support for Representative and Direct Democracy - Belsnickel - 10-18-2017, 05:17 PM

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