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Is Trumpism the new GOP mainstream?
When are people going to realize that it's not Trump or "Trumpism" as the OP puts it. No, it's Democrats and Republicans that are the problem and the same, tired rhetoric they trot out with the same tired people calling the majority of Americans stupid, racist, mysogenists, homophobes, communists, nazi, lazy and every other name or insult.

I know Christians voted for Trump to keep the Supreme Court center right and they voted for Pence, not Trump. I don't know about the rest of those who voted for him or why. I voted for Castle though and I did not want Trump to win, I don't like Trump at all.

All I know is that people voted for Trump because Hillary, that's it. The people who voted for him are willing to hold their nose for 4 to 8 years, keep the Supreme Court center right and then get a real leader in there after Trump. Hillary scared so many people, she's very shady and people just didn't trust her at all.

My opinion.

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RE: Is Trumpism the new GOP mainstream? - Nebuchadnezzar - 10-26-2017, 11:04 AM

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