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Ben Carson: It was OK for me to do research on aborted fetuses
(08-16-2015, 03:36 PM)jakefromstatefarm Wrote: For starters, I never claimed to be open-minded ON ABORTION.  To state that I ever did so is a lie.  I'm closed-minded on the issue of abortion, but I'm a very open-minded person in general.   
You implied you were open minded about abortion from the beginning and to state otherwise is dishonest.

Quote:Nice that you've found a new word to use in "obtuse".  I'm glad that a guy so lacking in common sense is able to expand your posting vocabulary.   ThumbsUp

Thanks for showing me how to use it in a sentence.  Do you know why I keep using obtuse?  Because that is the word you used to start the insults.  If you're going to whine about it I suggest you not initiate the insults if you can't take it or grow thicker skin.

Quote:You're the same type I've encountered for years on message boards, and your type quite frankly bores me.  You make some preposterous claim

What preposterous claim?  I claimed spermatozoa and ova are alive.  You think that is preposterous?  LMAO

Quote:and then when called on it, you insult my intelligence

You started the insults.  I'm quoting you every time I use obtuse.

Quote:and declare yourself the winner.

I would never declare myself the winner in a message board debate.  You would have to be completely obtuse to believe anyone is the winner of an internet debate. LMAO

Quote:I suppose that's easier to do than to actually back up your BS arguments with any sort of data or logic.
I thought it was general knowledge that spermatozoa and ova are alive.  I apologize for assuming you knew.  What data do you need to prove spermatozoa and ova are alive?

Messages In This Thread
RE: Ben Carson: It was OK for me to do research on aborted fetuses - oncemoreuntothejimbreech - 08-17-2015, 02:36 PM

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