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DNC: we don’t want to recruit any cis gendered white males

Nice hiring practices lol no wonder the DNC is a wreck.

Quote:EXCLUSIVE: DNC Official Says She Doesn't Want To Recruit 'Cisgender Straight White Males'

They don't want more individuals in the "majority" having jobs within the party...

Elliott HamiltonOctober 30, 2017

Employees within the Democratic National Committee are looking for new employees in the Technology Department. However, the DNC is apparently not interested in your resume if you happen to be a white male.

In an email issued to DNC insiders on Monday, Data Services Manager Madeleine Leader announced that the Technology Department is looking to fill several positions and asked interested parties to forward the openings to their colleagues.

She included the following caveat:

I personally would prefer that you not forward to cisgender straight white males, since they're already in the majority.

In response to this email, an anonymous DNC source told Daily Wire the following:

Clearly the DNC is doubling down on the failed strategy of oppression olympics that has alienated staffers and voters alike. We want to be judged based on the quality of our work, not on identity politics. How can we trust the leadership of the DNC if they don’t even trust us?

Daily Wire contacted Ms. Leader about the contents of her email, but she declined to comment.

After the latest scandals to plague the Democratic National Committee during the 2016, the new leadership under Tom Perez and Keith Ellison (D-MN) seek to rebrand the party as a more inclusive and welcoming community. Unfortunately, this email doesn't exactly help their case.

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DNC: we don’t want to recruit any cis gendered white males - StLucieBengal - 10-30-2017, 06:09 PM

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