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Target removes gender based signage for kids
(08-17-2015, 07:48 PM)mallorian69 Wrote: Target's own research showed that the majority of their customers preferred the way it was. The fact is they caved to a few people at the expense of the majority of their customers, just another reason for me to never step foot in target ever again.

 retail experts say the move is mostly a plus, for consumers and Target. “The kids aren’t reading the signs, it is the parent and you are in some ways limiting yourself by saying a toy only belongs to one gender or another,” says Douglas Bowman, professor of marketing at Emory University’s Goizueta Business School. If they didn’t already, parents can now feel free to buy whatever toy they want and Target has more chances to make a sale.

Though opponents criticized Target for being too politically correct and said “androgynous” signage would make it harder for them to find what they want in Target stores, the reality is, Target isn’t the first store to move away from gender-based signage. It has been a trend among major retailers such as Toys “R” Us for the past several years. Didn’t notice? Probably because it’s pretty easy to find a doll or a truck regardless of what the signs say.

A spokeswoman for Target told The Huffington Post that most shoppers seem to be on board with the new policy.

"We recognize by coming out and making these couple of changes that people are going to have a wide variety of opinions," said Molly Snyder, Target's group manager for public relations. "We expected and respect that. The response from the guests has been overwhelmingly positive."

A small minority of commenters criticized Target in the online statement for giving into pressure to promote "politically correct fads" and "homogenize the genders."

Far more people applauded the decision.

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RE: Target removes gender based signage for kids - fredtoast - 08-17-2015, 09:06 PM

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