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Warren, Brazile cofirm DNC rigged for Hillary
(11-03-2017, 08:03 PM)JustWinBaby Wrote: Well, the Clintons have been teflon, so probably not.

But I remember reading that Obama took the unusual [unprecedented?] step of not rolling his 2012 campaign, particularly his outreach database and analytics [project Narwhal], into the DNC.  I'm not sure to what degree he aided or supported the Hillary campaign efforts in that regard, but it would appear to have been very little given Hillary's obviously failures in several areas of voter outreach.

The tinfoil-hat crowd believes this is because Obama wants to be a sort of king-maker, continuing to pull strings behind the scene and pick the winners and losers in the Democratic party.  You could take this a step further to say, with the Dems in disarray and Hillary persona-non-grata, Obama has the opportunity to re-shape and re-build the Democratic party that HE wants.

On the other hand, none of this makes much sense despite whatever issues there were between the Obamas and Clintons.  Why would Obama risk his legacy by not doing everything he could to help Hillary win?  But it doesn't look like he helped her much, does it?

edit: it seems Obama DID turn over his email list of donors to the DNC, but not until 2015.  Also, he has no legal affiliation any more with OFA (but that's probably trivial).

I actually think Obama is/was being childish, more or less saying "I'm taking my ball and going home" since Democrats are skeptical about moving further left than the Obamas, Sanders and Warrens want. That why the Democrats were in the bag for Hillary.

Now Democrats have to move further left, go all in for whatever candidate is nominated in the hopes that they can beat Trump in 2020. Only problem is that the further left they go, the more it freaks people out.

What I think the Democrats will do after the 2018 Mid Terms is go full on whack-o left, lose big time to the whack-o Trump and say, "SEE?!!!" then get back to business and nominate someone that can get elected in 2024. Stay left of center or revert back to the JFK's or the LBJ's without the racism and destroy the far right whack-o's the Republicans will field.

The pendulum will swing back and forth for about 50 years and then we'll be invaded by Norway, defeated and America will be no more.

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RE: Warren, Brazile cofirm DNC rigged for Hillary - Nebuchadnezzar - 11-03-2017, 08:28 PM

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