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Papa John's, Nfl's pizza sponsor, opts out
I believe this has very little to do with political protests or pizza.

First of all it is VERY unusual for a corporation to announce shrinking sales in the middle of a campaign. Not saying it isn't true, but marketing conventional wisdom dictates you don't publicly announce that people aren't buying your product...for any reason. It only exasperates the issue.  So why would they do it?

Let's connect the dots.... It's certainly no secret that Jerry Jones is lobbying very hard, both privately and publicly, to make sure Roger Goodell's contract is NOT renewed. He's on record saying he will put much effort into blocking Goodell's contract extention. Other owners are aligned with Jones, but none are as vocal or public about it.

John Shnatter (Papa John's) is a very good buddy and business associate of Jerry Jones. What better way to serve Jones' agenda then to announce to the world that the  NFL is failing one if it's most important constituents? Without  full support of the corporate sponsors, TV revenue goes down. Without TV revenue, profits go down, thereby fully supporting Jones agenda to oust Goodell. That is the one true way Jones can win over the pro-Goodell proving and predicting less profit.

Though there is some overlap there, I firmly believe the whole reason Shnatter publicly said ANYTHING about sales and threatened to pull out, is much more about helping his buddy Jerry Jones oust Goodell, than it is about protests.

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RE: Papa John's, Nfl's pizza sponsor, opts out - BMK - 11-07-2017, 01:11 PM

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