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Dems win VA and NJ Gubernatorial Races
More misleading bullshit by democrats:

“This was a profound election result. This was the rejection of Donald Trump personally, and this was the rejection of Donald Trump’s policies. This was a full-fledged and total rejection of Donald Trump.” -Chuck Schumer

Riiiiight.  Not quite Chucky, Virginia went to the democrat for the same reason it went to the Hildebeest ...due to the heavy influx of new democrat voters.

New California: Mass Immigration Turning Virginia Blue.
“According to DHS, of those refugees issued admissions slips into the United States, 75 percent came from four countries — Iraq, Burma, Somalia and Bhutan — while another 15 percent came from Iran, Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea and the Dominican Republic.”

The Washington Post reported in 2011: “Soaring number of Hispanics and Asians pushed Virginia’s population over 8 million in the past decade.

Then we have this piece of work Gov Terry McAuliffe signing an exec order allowing 200,000 felons to vote.
In Virginia, Ex-Felons Find Empowerment in the Voting Booth.

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RE: Dems win VA and NJ Gubernatorial Races - Vlad - 11-08-2017, 10:40 PM

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