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Hue's glad Andy is waving off play calls
(08-18-2015, 11:25 PM)jakefromstatefarm Wrote: I'm not sure you're being fair, when you follow that up with a question that's basically impossible to prove.

Nearly anything Dalton does can and does get blamed on others (injuries, WR drops, WR running wrong routes, play-calling, HC, OC, etc.). 

For the record, I'm neither a Dalton hater or a Dalton homer.  Being a Bengals fan, I'd like to see anyone wearing the stripes to do well. 

That's how a lot of us are, but everyone has at least a little bit of bias for different guys it seems.

Nearly everything Dalton does on the field DOES get blamed on others by certain people (unless it's a good play). If he throws a duck that Sanu happens to haul in, you don't hear a thing from the Andy defenders. If he throws a duck and Sanu can't pull it down, then the excuses fly. Same goes for the other side of things. If a ball hits A.J. in the hands and he just flat out drops it, you'll still see a couple guys give a "GOOD JOB ANDY YOU SUCK!".

Both sides are full of dopey individuals, but depending on who you argue with more will decide whether they call you a "homer" or "hater". I strongly encourage you to join the dark side of the force though, it's much more entertaining. If you argue with Utts and company, all they'll give you is a "Haha, Andy sucks you nerd" and there isn't much excitement there. The guys that obsess over Andy are a lot more fun and they'll spend hours spinning your head off with excuses, and quite frankly, it's hilarious to watch how much they're in love with the guy.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Hue's glad Andy is waving off play calls - djs7685 - 08-19-2015, 08:37 AM

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