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Leftists panic over the possibility of having Thanksgiving with a Trump supporter
(11-14-2017, 05:50 PM)michaelsean Wrote: I always wondered about the arbitrary (or maybe it's not) halt on technology.  Somehow technology up until the 18th or 19th century is OK.  

(11-14-2017, 05:56 PM)Benton Wrote: Matt can correct me here as I'm probably wrong, but I think Mennonites share a history, and many beliefs, with Anabaptists, who thought the world was coming to an end in the 1500s. Which might explain why they're good with a hand saw but not hand cleaner... because the world already ended.

Yeah, definitely wrong. LOL

Anabaptists include the Amish, Mennonites, and German Baptist Brethren (or Dunkards, or Brethren, whatever you prefer). Anabaptist was just an intended derogatory name for these protestant groups that sprouted up and went with the believer's baptism rather than infant baptism. Now it typically is synonymous with the historic peace churches.

As for the reasoning, depends on who you ask. There is a code, unwritten, that is referred to as Ordnung. Side note, "Alles in Ordnung?" is a good way to ask if everything is in order/okay to a German. Anyway, these guidelines are used by the Old Order Mennonites and Amish to guide their lives. This varies from sect to sect as to how it is applied, which is why you will get variations like buggies and black bumpers. Some sects see electric lines being run to their community as a connection with the outside world, which is not allowed in the Ordnung. Things that promote behavior that could be one of the seven deadly sins is also prohibited. They also see anything that can negatively impact spiritual or family life as against Ordnung.

Each community really determines their Ordnung for themselves at meetings. I mean, there are groups that you would never know were a part of the Anabaptist traditions because their Ordnung has been so altered over the years. But the main thing to keep in mind that it isn't about cutting things off at a certain point, it's just because many of the technological advances we have seen over the past century or so have been about connecting us around the globe, and the die hards don't want that for their communities because they see it as a threat to their spiritual and familial well being.

I hope I did a good enough job explaining that. It's the first time I've ever had to really explain that to an Englishman. Ninja

Edit to add: getting me all nostalgic. I actually have to go back to my old family church on Saturday for my grandmother's funeral, so it was interesting thinking about all of this, again. Rather timely.

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RE: Leftists panic over the possibility of having Thanksgiving with a Trump supporter - Belsnickel - 11-14-2017, 06:18 PM

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