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First Female Ranger School Gaduates
(08-19-2015, 02:08 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Did you learn leadership at Ranger School?  Yes or no.

The silence is deafening.  Didn't realize it was so difficult to answer a yes or no question.

(08-19-2015, 01:49 PM)bfine32 Wrote: This briefs well;

What briefs well?  Explaining the intent of Ranger School is leadership training? Or explaining leadership isn't specific to the military and applies to many different scenarios?  Are you aware ACAP teaches transitioning soldiers to translate their leadership experience into resumes for civilian employers?

Quote:however, there are a number of leadership schools in the military that do not require the time and money spent on Ranger Candidates 

What is your point?  Women aren't worth the time and money spent on Ranger students?  That's very Biblical of you.

Quote:and many of them teach more appropriate tactics.

Name the leadership schools which teach "more appropriate tactics" and define WTF "more appropriate tactics" are.

Quote:Many are just "tab chasers" that have no intention of ever using what they learned except to increase their chance of promotion. 

Are these two women "tab chasers"? You don't have any idea.

Quote:The TTPs you learn in Ranger School are minimal unless sleep and food deprivation are essential.

LMAO.  I learned more TTPs at Ranger School than professional development schools such as PLDC, BNCOC, OCS, and OBC combined which are required for promotion.  I don't know WTF you're talking about.  

Here's a digital copy of The Ranger Handbook . . .

Looks pretty "minimal."  LOL  I suggest you read Chapter 1.  Then explain how it doesn't apply to these two women.

You're completely missing the point.  Ranger School isn't designed to make you an infantryman just because they teach small unit tactics of the infantry platoon and squad.  The patrolling, sleep and food deprivation, etcetera is designed to teach and test the students leadership abilities by stressing them under simulated combat conditions.

Quote:When I was a Ft Bragg, it was a "requirement" for Senior leaders to be Ranger qualified

When I was at 3rd Ranger Battalion it was required of every oscillating Richard.  I wonder why?  

Quote: and it had zero to do with the leadership skills we learned there.

Oh, so I guess the answer to my question is, "yes."  You did learn leadership at Ranger School.  Now I understand why you didn't answer my question.  

Developing leaders helps them assume the next level of responsibility to ensure mission accomplishment and the welfare of their troops.  I don't think it is ever a bad idea to teach leadership to leaders.  I don't understand why you or anyone would believe otherwise.

[Image: i-mjpPbcp-S.jpg]

Ranger School is by no means the only method to teach leadership.  There are good leaders without tabs and bad leaders with tabs.  But, like the sign says, "Not for the weak or fainthearted."  If they have the courage to try (which is more than most) who the hell are you to tell them, "No"?

Messages In This Thread
RE: First Female Ranger School Gaduates - oncemoreuntothejimbreech - 08-20-2015, 05:14 AM

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