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Marvin Lewis is 0-7 in the playoffs. So why is he still coaching the Bengals?
(11-16-2017, 01:48 PM)Bengalholic Wrote: The answer is Mike Brown.

Mike gave Shula a two year extension after starting off 8-24. He tried to talk Coslet out of quitting, even though they were mired in a 5-25 stretch. He fired LeBeau after a franchise worst 2-14, but in the interviews following the dismissal, you could tell he didn't like doing it. 

Given that Marvin has actually had regular season success and made the playoffs multiple allows Mike to say 'we've been competitive' and justify the continuous extensions despite the postseason failure, the prime time record or getting abused by the Steelers.

Why does Mike have such a hardon for terrible coaches? And why is he so against firing them or letting them quit? 

He is to the front office as PA is to our Oline: loyal to a fault, no matter the incompetence. 

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RE: Marvin Lewis is 0-7 in the playoffs. So why is he still coaching the Bengals? - Pat5775 - 11-16-2017, 01:56 PM

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