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Bad boys, bad boys...watcha gonna do?
I've had some terrible encounters with the fuzz over the years as I've stated previously. But I'll go ahead and tell this story from last night real quick.

Walking back from the broncos game to my hacienda in the bario last night, my gf and I came across and older couple in the middle of an aggressive argument. Dude got in our faces and I could tell she had been abused. He pushed me at which point my gf took the opp to walk the lady into a nearby restaurant to get her to safety.

I walked my lady home and in a ridiculous act of rage decided to get on my scooter and go find this piece of shit. He was waiting outside the restaurant where the employees had stricken him. After recognizing me, he charged. It took everything in my power not to kill this guy once we we on the ground. I'm not lying. I had him in a prone position that could have been his undoing.

Employees from the restaurant saw what was going on, came out and called the cops. His woman came out crying begging for him to stop, etc. once I let go he popped up and they BOTH took off. When the police got there I was standing there with blood on my hands / clothes and only a story about what happened.

Bottom line they heard me out and went looking for him. I was in such a rage at this point that I was cruising the streets on my scooter (**** off I love that thing) looking for him as well. They saw me at a gas station and rather than questioning me for riding around with a couple of beers in my system, told me to go the **** home. That they would take care of it.

All I'm saying is I had a really shitty run in with humanity last night. There is absolutely nothing I hate more than seeing a woman abused by a male companion. But the police ended up finding the guy, calling me later to let me know and giving me a pass on doing something stupid in the name of my convictions. My GF is not happy with me currently and I'll have to make up a story with coworkers about gnarled knuckles. Bottom line the boys assessed the situation and prioritized appropriately.

And for that that I thank them.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: Bad boys, bad boys...watcha gonna do? - Vas Deferens - 11-21-2017, 12:54 AM

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