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Rose, Conyers....the list continues to grow
CBS suspends Rose, PBS halts his show following allegations

Charlie Rose accused of sexual harassment by 8 women

Top Democrat Paid Off Sexual Harassment Accuser With $27,000 In Taxpayer Money

A leading Democratic congressman settled a wrongful dismissal complaint for more than $27,000 in taxpayer funding after he allegedly fired the staffer because she would not “succumb to [his] sexual advances,” according to a new report.

The congressman, Michigan Rep. John Conyers, is described as a serial sexual harasser who would prey on his female staffers
in sworn affidavits signed by four of his former staffers. BuzzFeed News first reported the bombshell allegations and accompanying settlement after right-wing blogger Mike Cernovich provided the website with the documents.

One former female employee filed a complaint with the Congressional Office Of Compliance in 2014, alleging that she was fired for rebuffing Conyers’ sexual advances. It was that employee who eventually received a $27,111.75 settlement in 2015, in exchange for a confidentiality agreement. The congressman did not admit to fault as part of the settlement agreement.

Lets see thus far the list of liberal sex perverts....

Charlie Rose, Al Franken, Harvey Weinstein, Bill Clinton, Louis C.K., John Conyers, Kevin Spacey, Glenn Thrush, Mark Halperin,Dustin Hoffman, Jeffrey Tambor.

My oh my, and recall how atop their perch of moral superiority did liberals express so much vitriol toward Bill O'Reilly.

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Rose, Conyers....the list continues to grow - Vlad - 11-22-2017, 02:11 AM

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