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The Steelers remind me every time
As much as I want to believe the NFL is rigged, I don't. Reasons why it's possible and reasons why not...

Reasons WHY:

1. We all know Burfict is treated poorly and has a 'dead or alive' reward attached to his name. The suspensions wouldn't be as brutal if he were a Steeler. Those are comparable proven facts to past and present Steeler players.
2. Some games honestly feel like the refs are trying to change the momentum of our game, not always against the Steelers though. We've had plenty of games where we came out firing and came up short due to ticky-tacky calls.
3. 2015 Playoff game. We all know multiple reasons here as to why we believe that game was complete BS. Especially at the end. Joey Porter being on the field and Steeers should've been flagged making the Adam Jones penalty plus their (hypothetical) penalty offset. Didn't Mike Munchack get fined for pulling R. Nelsons dreads after the play and Porter got fined as well but I think that fine was even waived? Weren't both waived?
4. I'm sure I'm missing some.

Reasons why NOT:
1. Mike Brown has shown that he could give lesser of one s**t about this team winning games. Why is Marvin still here? Please don't make me type a whole list of Marvins stats as our HC, there are plenty of current threads on it.
2. We haven't won a playoff game in a VERY long time with so many chances against a handful of teams over the last 12 years alone. The NFL isn't specifically out to doom Bengals land for the rest of our days.
3. We keep mediocre players as starters and keep promising rookies on the bench. Stupid. Goes back to Marvin Lewis via Mike Brown.
4. We are statistically bad as a team. Terrible. How tf are we 5-6???
5. Let Mike Zimmer walk. Good job Mikey Boy. Good f***ing job. Probably didn't even consider replacing Marv for him once. What a joke.
6. Constant re-signing of Marvin Lewis. Mike is a "Just good enough to sell tix" kind of guy. He settles.
7. Players don't want to be here. We've been socially humiliated by our own past and present players, players have demanded trades and called out coaching/management. The same coaching/management that's hasn't changed since 2003 (Marv).
8. We suck in prime time. We just do. Marv can't get this team hyped for games like this.
9. We have knucklehead players. Again reverts back to Marv via Mike. I love Burfict to death, but he needs a coach that isn't a p***y and will hold him accountable. Jones should have been cut a while ago for his off the field bs.
10. If it weren't for the Browns we would be the ultimate joke of the NFL. Thanks Browns.
11. There is more proof that this team statistically sucks due to management/coaching than there is proof that the NFL is rigged. I don't fully buy into that.

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RE: The Steelers remind me every time - Bengalpool - 11-30-2017, 07:46 AM

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