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Ben Carson: It was OK for me to do research on aborted fetuses
(08-22-2015, 04:22 AM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Why should the government ban gay marriage?  Most of what I (and probably you) was taught about marijuana is false.  I'm not aware of any medicinal applications for alcohol like I am for marijuana.  Some of the mandatory minimums related to marijuana are ridiculous compared to other felonies.  I've never had an problem buying a gun.  Have you?  My father, the felon, wasn't allowed to own a gun.

You're not really debating anything I said. Liberals have pushed for legalizing gay marriage. That is a moral stance, is it not? They've also pushed for abortion rights, legalizing marijuana and stricter gun laws. Are you debating that they haven't? If not, then you must agree with me that liberals push their morals and agendas as much as conservatives.

To answer your questions:

- Why should the government ban gay marriage? Well, why was it banned for hundreds of years up to this point? Obviously because a big portion of the country finds homosexuality to be an immoral practice. As much as liberals hate this, everyone's opinion is important, even the opinions of those who disagree with their moral standards.

- Pot. As with everything else, this is a complicated subject. Much of what we were taught was wrong, I agree. That said, people who smoke always downplay the effects. I smoked for 2-3 years as a teen, and I've had plenty of friends who smoke. Some heavily. I have one friend in particular who smokes heavily and hasn't had a job in 10 years. He'll sell anything that isn't nailed down for a joint. It's not like this for everyone, but I've known a lot of heavy smokers who don't want to get off their couch. All they think about is smoking. So I do think it's mentally addictive and it saps motivation out of some. I think it should be legal medically. I've heard about the benefits. Recreationally? No.

- Gun rights. No, I've never had a problem buying a gun. That doesn't mean that liberals don't push for stricter gun laws all the time.

Again, my point in the post you quoted was that liberals push their morals and agendas just as vigorously as conservatives. If not more so. I don't see how anyone could debate that. 
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RE: Ben Carson: It was OK for me to do research on aborted fetuses - Shake n Blake - 08-22-2015, 02:38 PM

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