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Obama colluded with Putin to release Lebanese terrorist that targeted Americans
(12-18-2017, 07:32 PM)Dill Wrote: Thanks for the answers, Lucy. And for answering systematically.

1.  By "agonized" you may mean that Obama considered the very considerable risks before deciding when to go in. There was no hesitation about killing bin Laden.  But thinking before acting does not make one cowardly, any more than acting without thinking makes one brave.  Kudos or not, he was not "supporting" Islamic terrorism when he killed bin Laden--or the thousands of like-minded Islamists afterwards.

2. Hannity is an opinion-shaper on the far right and defends Trump with your talking points. For all I know, Hannity might be listening to you, or you are both following a similar logic based upon similar sources.

3. I don't feel threatened when I go to Germany. And I don't feel threatened by their government when I am in the US. I do, however, feel threatened by the Russian government. I don't know what you mean when you say Russia is a country "made up the same as ours," or that we have more in common with them than anyone else.  Is the US a Plutocracy too? One which has lost its free press? You might be right, but that would hardly be comforting, and it would hardly make Russia less of a danger than Germany. We have an autocratic leader now too. But he is hemmed in by Congress and the Courts in a way that Putin is not. So far, journalists critical of Trump have not been murdered. He cannot use the FBI, courts, and DJ to lock up politic opponents. Yet. There are maybe some important differences still between our countries.

Regarding the Islam jab, you constantly characterize Muslim nations as a threat, even friendly ones, while ignoring the threat posed by authoritarian "friends" that have attacked us. So the "jab" is a jab at what I take to be a poor criterion for guiding foreign policy.

4. Europe is not "poor." (Russia is, comparatively, because of its corruption.) And we "allowed" Germany to gain power back because the US is a liberal democracy that, as a matter of principle, does not make war for booty, as the Nazis and Japanese did.  Rather than keep them conquered enemies, a very expensive proposition, the US gave them back their freedom. In return we now have a strong, liberal democratic ally.  Is there "unchecked" Muslim migration to Europe?  I was not aware of that.

5. Iran already had the money to "fund terrorism" if that were a goal. In January of 2013, our CIA estimated Iran's break out time was 8-12 weeks. If today, four years later, they decided they wanted a Nuke, break out time would be a year at minimum. But it appears they never wanted one very badly. Getting plugged back into the world market and remaining there is much more important to their goals. And lifting the sanctions has greatly strengthened the moderates in Iran and weakened their right wing.   Now critics of the Treaty complain they could get a Nuke in 10 years, when Iran may be a more moderate country. Thanks Obama.

6. I agree with you that China is a threat, or a potential one, not actual, as Russia currently is. But you are thinking that Russia, the country which attacked our election, might help us manage China, which did not attack our election? No doubt they would love to "work with us" to face down a country which checks their military and our allies in Western Europe who check their economy.  But getting that result would require a "useful idiot" leading the US and an effective disinformation campaign aimed at the US electorate.

1. Yeah considered the risks for weeks...... what exactly were the oaks? Making his Islamic buddies mad for killing their Jihad general.

2. I will let you stick to Hannity. As I said I am not a viewer.

3. You should go to Russia. The people are exactly the same as here.... I have been to both Germany and Russia and feel less hassled in Russia. Outside of border security ofc. Which shouldn’t be a problem if we had better relations. Germany has more violence of late anyway.... until they sort out their Muslim migrant problem and actually form a functioning coalition government they are really a place we should be avoid .

4. Why don’t you ask Greece what Germany did to them and he rest of the mediterrainian nations could chime in as well. The EU and Germany have ensured those countries were poor.

5. Yes Iran has money to find terror.... obama just game them pallets more of cash..... thanks for clearing that up.

6. Russia works with China because it doesn’t want to fight a two front war. They would turn on China if we had their backs on he west. Russia is the key to stopping China.

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RE: Obama colluded with Putin to release Lebanese terrorist that targeted Americans - StLucieBengal - 12-18-2017, 10:58 PM

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