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The Draft, player storylines & offseason events RECHARGE Fan interest each year
I’ll probably always be a Bengals fan, watching Boomer play back in the day hooked me. I really loved his leadership. I’m in my 40s now and I can prioritize things a little better now. This owner doesn’t place priority on winning, he just doesn’t. It’s blatantly obvious to me and it makes me not care as much. This last off-season and how he handled the OLine was the absolute worst GM job that I can remember seeing. I did forget about not trading a QB to the Bears for their entire draft. How freaking ignorant and greedy was that? Think about that for a minute! This shithead will probably live to be 105 too. Anyways, I’m still a fan but it matters less to me now. I’m not buying anything Bengals again or going to a game until Eb is dead because he sure isn’t gonna change.

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RE: The Draft, player storylines & offseason events RECHARGE Fan interest each year - Circleville Guy - 12-30-2017, 06:24 PM

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