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Dalton is a legitimate team leader.
Dalton is a try-hard/fake leader, and NFL players can detect that.
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Leadership is earned, not appointed.
(08-25-2015, 04:15 PM)GarbageDisposal Wrote: Well, if you want to cut off the half of the post demonstrating Dalton's clear leadership deficiencies, have at it. I was only comparing the two QB's we're likely to have come September 3 at Oakland, not saying McCarron is the second coming of Namath. It's no contest between the two. McCarron wins national titles and bangs supermodels to boot. He's given no reason to doubt his leadership, while Dalton has at every turn.

You have no clue what it takes to be a leader among grown men.  College boys may be impressed with "winning college championships and banging super models" but not grown men.  Matt Lienert also won a National Championship and banged super models.

All we see as fans are little things like pregame speeches.  If squealing at teammates is all it took to be a great leader then a lot of people here could do it.  But being a leader of grown men is about a lot more than that.  It is about how he goes about his everyday business with the team that none of us ever see.

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RE: Leadership is earned, not appointed. - fredtoast - 08-25-2015, 04:21 PM

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