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Dalton is a legitimate team leader.
Dalton is a try-hard/fake leader, and NFL players can detect that.
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Leadership is earned, not appointed.
(08-25-2015, 04:00 PM)GarbageDisposal Wrote:  
I never said he played stunning or mistake-free football. He did not have the deer in the headlights look that Dalton has any time things go wrong. There were many things that went wrong, but the entire time he looked like he commanded the huddle and believed he'd come back on the next drive and right the ship (which he did on the TD drive). When things start going horribly wrong, Dalton has that familiar look like he just soiled himself a little and you can't say it doesn't rub off on the whole team when "Bad Andy" shows up. Can it really be argued McCarron looked like a more confident, convincing leader? After the safety he was like "ain't no thing" and came back for a TD drive. The "Dalton Way" is letting it snowball, being a try-hard and throwing them another pick.

Right, because Dalton hasn't lead any 4th quarter comebacks in his career. I forgot every time things weren't going well Dalton crashes and burns. Not to mention, you're tooting McCarron's horn for scoring a touchdown on 2nd ad 3rd stringers with dink and dunk passes on a prevent defense in a preseason game. I think it can definitely be argued that Dalton (regardless of his faults) has shown much more confidence in getting the job done then McCarron so far in the NFL.

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RE: Leadership is earned, not appointed. - Sweetness - 08-25-2015, 07:56 PM

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