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Dalton is a legitimate team leader.
Dalton is a try-hard/fake leader, and NFL players can detect that.
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Leadership is earned, not appointed.
In the NFL leadership is, in fact, appointed. Every single team attempts to make their QB the leader, whether the guy has it in him or not.

Jordan Palmer had plenty of leadership, but it got him nowhere as an NFL player.

Trying to dissect the virtues of leadership from the outside looking in, is a fallacy; a delusion.

Andy has the confidence of his coaches in the leadership role. That's all you need to know ... that's all we'll ever know, about his ability to be the team's leader. They say he's filled it. If they're satisfied, then that's the bottom line.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Leadership is earned, not appointed. - Devils Advocate - 08-25-2015, 08:07 PM

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