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Hobson back with his first propaganda piece
(01-18-2018, 01:52 AM)wolverine515151 Wrote: A good percentage would be probably 7 of the 18 passes. That's just an educated guess.  I don't do any research myself? What are you talking about. You're the one who posted a generic meaningless stat like 18 passes in the second half against the steelers without giving us any details about those 18 passes. 

I'm not the one who needs to do any research since I didn't mock and deride someone and spew out a worthless stat like you did. Why should I have to produce anything. You're the one who squelched out another meaningless generic stat without giving any details I didn't. 

What do you mean moving the goal posts. When have I ever moved the goal posts as you say. Stop using childish terms to try and deflect your typical idiotic comments. I don't even know what moving the goal posts means nor should I. 

The bottom line is if you're going to spew out stats out of your pie hole back them up with details or else shut your mouth

Why are you being so hateful?

One of the most common complaints about Marvin is that he causes the Bengals to lose games when he plays too conservative with a lead in the second half.  I assume you have heard this claim.

All I am saying is that this is just a myth.  In orderto prove that it is just a myth I have repeatedly asked people to give me an example of when this happened.  And they never can.  So if you want to rage at someone for making a claim with nothing to back it up you should be yelling at everyone that makes this claim instead of at me.

But here is the really bad news for you.  You claim that when sitting on a lead Marvin is being too conservative unless he has Dalton throw the ball over 10 yards downfield 7 times in the second half, and there is not a single QB in the league who throws the ball that far that often even if you include the first half and times when they are behind.  Roethlisberger is the only one that comes close.  He averaged 13.4 pass attempts over ten yards downfield per game.  Only a very few average more than ten per game.  Rivers averaged 12.1.  Brady 11.9. Wilson 11.6. Stafford 10.0.  I did not check every QB in the league but the splits are available on if you want to dispute this claim.

Basically the standard you use to accuse Lewis of being too conservative makes every head coach in the league too conservative.



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