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Ben Can't Change The Play At The Line?!
(01-18-2018, 05:07 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: Because Steelers fans try and paint it like Chris getting drunk with underage girls is even remotely as bad as raping a woman!

Here's a hint:  they're not even in the same universe.

It was a stupid decision to put himself in that situation to begin with, but he didn't take them to the movies because you can't drink at the movies, and you said if he didn't plan on hooking up with "her," which, again, he obviously didn't think they were all going to sit there and watch.

If the 18-year-old came on to him and wanted to have sex, sure, maybe he does, but, even if the other girls wanted to have sex, who's to say that he would have?  Maybe they looked too young or maybe they were fat or ugly.  There are guys who don't just sleep with anything that moves.  I know plenty of people who aren't law-abiding citizens that wouldn't have sex with underage girls.

Why is he getting an 18 year old drunk to begin with? Why is he meeting minors in a hotel room? If he was only planning on meeting the 18 year old and to get her drunk, why didn't he flat out refuse to let them into the hotel room and say let's go do something else instead? You can hook up with women in many other ways besides taking them to hotel rooms and getting them drunk. The reason it's not so different between what he did and what Ben did was we don't actually know exactly what went on in that hotel room. Ben meets women at bars, Chris meets high school kids in hotels. Sorry you think it's ok for a grown ass man to give alcohol to children. Would you like a grown man to be secretly meeting with your 15 year old daughter at a hotel and getting her drunk? I guess you have no problem with it, but I would want the SOB dead. I know you seem to know all the details better than the cops, but take your dang orange and brown Bengals color glasses off and see this sick SOB for what he is. If he played for the Steelers you would say he was trying to fill them with alcohol to rape them and you would constantly make rape jokes about it every time you posted about him on here. Don't say you wouldn't because you do it now with Ben even though he was never charged with it. I'm done arguing with you because you're a hypocrite and a very dumb one at that. Chris is a douchebag and should never have been in a hotel room with underage girls by himself. I guarantee he paid them off. If you can guarantee he didn't without any facts, I can guarantee he did without any facts.

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RE: Ben Can't Change The Play At The Line?! - Captain Obvious - 01-18-2018, 06:11 PM

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