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Trump attacks protections for immigrants from ‘s***hole’ countries
(01-25-2018, 04:01 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: If we didn’t have Americans out of work or on welfare then yes we need these low to no skilled people.   Those are the jobs that teenagers and young adults used to take, which helped build a work ethic as they progressed.    Now we have third world people taking those jobs.   Which only makes our youth more entitled and their appreciation for people in those type of jobs also goes away.    

For instance I appreciate the service industry today because I worked as a bus boy at bob Evans and worked at Wendy’s when I was a teenager.   I wasn’t sitting around while some illegal Mexican did the work.  

These have cascading effects on our population when our youth do not have to take an entry level job .

Except for when I was in the Navy and when I worked for a hospital a while back, I have worked in the service industry. Both restaurants and retail since I was 14yo.  I've worked with a lot of immigrants.  And trust me we still get plenty of teenage applicants (I'm in management) and the teenagers that don't apply, well it's not because of immigrants taking their job.  It's because they're either too lazy or because their parents discourage it because they feel it is below them.

Go to any restaurant or retail store and the first thing you'll see walking in is a sign saying that they are hiring for any shift and anybody...ANYBODY! Pulse optional! They don't care if you're a teenager or an immigrant as long as your paperwork checks out (and even if it doesn't in some places).  Bottom line...illegal immigrants aren't taking entry level jobs from teenagers period.  

Messages In This Thread
RE: Trump attacks protections for immigrants from ‘s***hole’ countries - RICHMONDBENGAL_07 - 01-25-2018, 05:19 PM

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