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Meanwhile, in North Dakota ...
(08-27-2015, 01:08 PM)Devils Advocate Wrote: Armored vehicles by themselves is one thing, but add in the rest of militarizations and sprinkle in a lil NDAA, Patriot Act type stuff and you can see plainly something is awry. 

No.  In order for something to be awry you need to see something going awry.  There is absolutely no evidence of anyone wanting to "occupy this country".  The Patriot Act has been around for over a decade and we have not had any government takeovers.  We have zero citizens held as political prisoners, and there has been no extortion, ar seizing of property.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with using drones as long as a warrant is required.  The level of paranoia in a country with very few limits on freedom and no political prisoners is ridiculous.

And finally I find it even more ridiculousn that the same people who claim every citizen should be able to own every type of weapon wants to restrict what the police can use.  it makes no sense.

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RE: Meanwhile, in North Dakota ... - fredtoast - 08-27-2015, 03:27 PM

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