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Mike Brown split screened on TV with another Owner at a Superbowl-we can only imagine
A Super bowl Week with the Mike Brown led Bengals as one of the participants may have to be left to our imaginations as to what it would be like.

The week plus long lead up of Media attention, rehashing Bengal History, Marvin & Mike's history together being rehashed by the Media, how close we came twice to winning in the 80's, Joe Montana, Paul Brown's legacy getting spotlighted and the no Playoff wins for Marvin slogan being obliterated by the Playoff wins that got them there.
Game day we see Mike Brown in his box being split screened with the other Owner in his box before and during the Super Bowl game. Maybe Katie, her husband and other members of Mike's extended family in attendance. On the World Stage and under a Spotlight just like we saw Robert Kraft and Eagles Owner Jeffrey Lurie last night.
A Marvin coaching decision or big play by Dalton or an INT by Jackson III or forced fumble by Carl Lawson ices the game in the waning moments for the Bengals.
The Red Light of the camera turns on for the camera pointing at Mike Brown in his box as he nervously jumps up and into Katie's arms as that last play goes his way. Then the replay showing how crushed the other Owner was on that same play.
Mike heads down to accept the Trophy as ticker tape sticks to his head and brown suit.
He gets his 30 or so seconds to speak to the crowd and Bengal fans being totally exonerated.

His way worked and 31 other teams and GM's have been vanquished by Mike and Marvin.

This would be the Pinnacle of what Bengal fans hope for coming to pass as the World watches.

Unfortunately this dream scenario may only be able to live in our imaginations. Have to struggle and stretch the mind to even picture it.

Seems impossible to many and I wonder if to Mike himself.

Would be off the charts amazing if it happened though.

Off the charts.


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Mike Brown split screened on TV with another Owner at a Superbowl-we can only imagine - depthchart - 02-05-2018, 03:09 PM

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