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Poland criminalizes accusing the country of complicity during the holocaust
(02-07-2018, 07:38 PM)hollodero Wrote: ThumbsUp
- Nazi activities are also punishable by law in my country, and while I am torn on that issue regarding free speech and all, it was definitely a valuable law. It forced the former Nazis into hiding/shutting up, and thank god they weren't a factor, that was unvaluable for our democracy and still is. 
In the end I feel that unconstitutional speech does not necessarily fall into the protection granted by that very constitution. To oversimplify it, it might boil down to the question if promoting an end to free speech should be protected by free speech. And maybe yes, but drawing a line with Nazis had its merits and did not lead to a "slippery slope" situation.

I always appreciate yous posts, even when I don't agree with them, as you bring a perspective that we, as Americans, lack.  De-nazification was absolutely a sound policy.  As it has served its purpose it has been ended.  The reasons behind the laws that still exist are no longer valid.  I realize that Europe, as a whole, does not have the tradition of free speech that we have here, nor is this right enshrined in the founding documents of the national governments there.  I have to say that I think you're wrong about the "slippery slope" though.  I only need to see how some here are attempting to erode the right to free speech in this country to realize how important this right is.

(02-08-2018, 12:06 PM)michaelsean Wrote: I don't really care if it's the truth or not.  Even if Poland were 100% a victim, and people were talking about their complicity, that's their business.  If I want to go about and say the US government was actually behind the Final Solution,and put up some crazy website with all my "proof" then that's my right.

In the United States, it absolutely is.  We need to remember this now more than ever as we have many people who would be happy to restrict speech in this country.

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RE: Poland criminalizes accusing the country of complicity during the holocaust - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 02-08-2018, 01:05 PM

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