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What would I do if I ran the team?
(02-23-2018, 09:44 AM)SHRacerX Wrote: This is one of those "From under the grass out in left field" ideas, but hear me out:

Jacksonville is in win-now mode, and has a tough decision to make at QB.  They have a great young team, and a couple pieces could put them over the top.

The Bengals could offer the Jags Dalton AND Green, for the Jags first and second round picks in the upcoming draft as well as their first and second round picks next year.  

I have no idea the cap implications for the Jags, but I think a lot of their talent is still on their rookie deals.

The Bengals could then go after Lamar Jackson, some offensive line help, and also address the LB and S positions, all in the upcoming draft.

I would design an offense around Jackson with two TE and two WR, single-back sets in rotation with 3 WR, single TE and single back.    It would be a version of what we see the Eagles run in terms of Run-Pass Option (or RPO, as we are hearing so much of now).  The unique talents of Jackson would give a third option:  QB run.  It would be like the wildcat, with a much greater emphasis on passing in quick, short strikes.  I think Jackson is horribly underestimated as a QB, and his speed and agility is ridiculous.  Before everyone jumps in on "too small, would get killed", he is 6'3"  and 211lbs.  He could easily be 220 with the proper nutrition.  

I would design his runs as the last resort and he would be instructed to take the QB slide before taking any hits.  I would focus on his durability and longevity, avoiding the hits and just trying to move the chains.

The WRs would be a combination of Ross and Core at X receiver, Boyd and Erickson at slot, and Malone and potentially a draft pick on the other side.  I would re-sign Kroft.  My draft picks at WR would be bigger, possession-type WRs, like Thomas at NO, that can take a shot and hold on to the ball.  Ross and Core would be the deep threat to keep defenses honest.  I would try to get Mixon and Gio a lot of targets as receivers as well.

I know that is crazy, and I know that it wouldn't likely happen, but I think it is fun to think of how I would try to transform our offense.  

I don't think anything frustrates a defense more than getting decent stops on first and second down, facing third-and-long only to have a QB scramble for 8 yards and a first down as the defense is playing off coverage.  We haven't had a mobile QB since Blake, and he was more elusive than downright fast.  

Thoughts?  (And I am called a Dalton apologist....but I would like to see him with Jacksonville's running game and defense...ditto AJ)

Need to hear more.

As of right now, who would be the 4 players that you would take with the two 1st round picks and the two 2nd round picks that we would have in this 2018 Draft and with which picks ?

I assume that you are taking Lamar Jackson at pick #12.

Then which players are the next 3 that you take with the other 1st and two 2nds ?

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RE: What would I do if I ran the team? - depthchart - 02-23-2018, 11:58 AM

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