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California Democrats Reject Hard-Line Leftist Senator Dianne Feinstein

If Feinstein isn’t leftist enough for Californian Democrats then what does that have to say about where California is going. Absolutely crazy. Sad commentary about where the democrat party is heading.

Quote:THE STUPID PARTY: California Democrats Reject Hard-Line Leftist Senator Dianne Feinstein For Insufficient Radicalism

Ben ShapiroFebruary 26, 2018

Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg via Getty Images
Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) has been a member of the United States Senate since 1992. In that position, she’s been one of the most reliably hard-Left members of the body. She wrote the Federal Assault Weapons Ban of 1994. She has a 100% lifetime score from the Planned Parenthood Action Fund and NARAL Pro-Choice America and the League of Conservation Voters, and a 95% lifetime score from the Service Employees International Union. She has a 7% career rating from the National Taxpayers Union, and a 49% lifetime score from the Chamber of Commerce.

That’s not good enough for California Democrats, who refused to endorse her bid for a fifth term on Sunday. Instead, the state Democratic Party nearly endorsed radical State Senate leader Kevin de Leon, and when Feinstein spoke, the crowd chanted, “Time’s up!” Now, does that mean Feinstein loses the race? Of course not. She’s got more money and she’s got more name recognition. But it’s just another indicator that the Democrats are intent on moving further and further Left.

That’s no great surprise, given the near-victory of socialist Bernie Sanders in the Democratic 2016 primaries. But it’s a bad sign for a party that is currently in the minority at every level of federal government, and in most state governments as well. California suffers under a Democratic near-supermajority; the state is running a deficit of nearly $2 trillion, according to supposed fiscal conservative Governor Jerry Brown. The state is overtaxed and overregulated, and businesses are leaving California for states like Texas and Arizona. Quality of life has also declined in cities like Los Angeles and San Francisco, where homeless problems have become a national disgrace.

Yet the Democrats want to double down on Leftism. Feinstein, you see, isn’t harsh enough about President Trump, and still cares a whit about national security. That means that she must be ousted in favor of de Leon, who is most famous for sponsoring California’s idiotic “affirmative consent” standard, which essentially obviates due process in cases of rape allegations.

The Republicans may be unpopular in the polls. But if Democrats continue to purge their own successful members because those consistently Leftist members aren’t radical enough, they’ll be relegating themselves to minority status on a long-term basis.

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California Democrats Reject Hard-Line Leftist Senator Dianne Feinstein - StLucieBengal - 02-27-2018, 10:56 AM

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