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California Democrats Reject Hard-Line Leftist Senator Dianne Feinstein
(03-01-2018, 11:45 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: I don't get upset by it because you are incorrect. Your use of intentionally inflammatory rhetoric doesn't bother me because I know it comes from a place of ignorance. It just lets me know that you are unwilling to have a nuanced and serious conversation about the topic. This is why I rarely engage with you in any serious way and why a lot of people avoid it. I don't know whether you do it to get a rise out of people or if you are sincere in what you say, but either way it tells anyone that would like to have a conversation rooted in reality that they aren't going to get that in an interaction with you.

A lot of horrible things have happened in history because people normalized it with a nuanced argument.

I know it doesn’t bother you because you somehow do not think those children are actual children. Despite what biology says.

You want me to accept your scenario as reality. Sure if I pretended that children were not actually children when they were being disposed of then yes I could probably make peace with that with whatever excuses sounded reasonable . I did it for years.... until after a while I woke up to what was actually happening.

My breaking point was probably when one of my players told me they got their gf pregnant and they were having an abortion. Mind you this was probably 10-15 player to bring this up to me over the years. I just remember feeling like it was a mistake and I told him so. He ended up having one anyway and it still makes me sick to think about it.

I don’t use the language I use to get a rise out of anyone. I just speak plainly because over the course of history we have modified the language of bad behavior to make ourselves feel better about doing terribke things.

As for anyone else’s decision to engage with me or not.... I don’t really care one way or another. Some people prefer to be in their bubble which is fine.

If you cared to have a discussion you could see past language. The same way I see past all your crazy stuff with pronouns. You come off as crazy as you think I do when you get into all that odd politically correct stuff.

Anyway. Have a good night.

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RE: California Democrats Reject Hard-Line Leftist Senator Dianne Feinstein - StLucieBengal - 03-02-2018, 12:04 AM

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