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Trump agrees to meet with North Korea's Kim Jong Un, South Korea says
(03-09-2018, 03:15 AM)BFritz21 Wrote: How do you figure that he's been an awful President?

A few of his accomplishments:

At a recent White House press briefing, it took press secretary Sarah Sanders a full 2 1/2 minutes to list all of what Trump had overseen since his inauguration. Her list included:

  • The unemployment rate is down to 4.1 percent.
  • The stock market is at record highs.

These are all things that had been happening well before he took office. They're not a result of any of his policies.

Quote:Congress "rolled back 22 regulations for every one new regulation."

And the White House just quietly put out a report stating that these regulations that he is cutting actually generate more than they cost, so we can call that one a failure

Quote:Trump pulled out of or started to renegotiate trade deals.

I'm not sure how we can call this good or bad with no context of the specific trade deal.

Quote:He announced plans to withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord and broadly put a new emphasis on energy production over environmental protection.

Promoting out dated and harmful energy production over our safety is what I'd label as awful
Quote:[*]The administration approved the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines.

and we've already had a spill...

Quote:The Trump administration amped up immigration enforcement, and the travel ban executive order is now at least partially in effect after months of legal challenges; prototype wall segments have been constructed along the U.S.-Mexico border.

I would suggest that targeting non criminals, enacting discriminatory policy, and trying to pay $20b for a wall aren't necessarily accomplishments.

Quote:"ISIS has lost nearly all of its territory and its most important strongholds in Iraq and Syria."

Again, something carried over from the last administration.
Quote:Through executive action, Trump has eroded pieces of Obamacare.

Which is good if you want more sick people

Quote:"We've reshaped the American judiciary for generations. Justice Gorsuch was confirmed to the Supreme Court, and 22 judges have been confirmed, including a record-setting 12 circuit judges."

The fact that your party controls the Senate and have confirmed your nominations doesn't make you a good President.

Quote:They're being ok with the US-South Korea military exercises and not conducting any further nuclear tests, which they have stopped (or said they'd stop) in the past, but now Trump is opening talks.  Between that and agreeing to meet, I'd say it's a pretty big victory.

No President has ever met with a North Korea leader, so that's a pretty big thing.

North Korea has been trying to get a President to meet with them for decades. The whole point of this is to explain that there's no success or accomplishment until we see what happens. Presidents in the past have refused to meet with them because there has been no sincerity in their promises to stop their nuclear program. Talks occurring are only inherently a big victory for N Korea. Whether or not it can be called a victory for the US remains to be seen.

Quote:Which goes to show that Trump's about action and not just talk.

I'd disagree. At the heart of this, it is all talk. Action is what occurs after it. My main criticism with Trump is that his Presidency has been all talk and no action. He has one major legislative victory and the rest of what he tries to rest his laurels on is just signing executive orders that order departments to talk about doing things (but not doing them) or reverse Obama policy for the sake of reversing his policy.

Combine that with spending 1 out of every 4 days at a golf course, booking half his daily schedule to be used to watch TV, and wasting money on trips to his resorts.

Quote:People have changed the conversation into things unrelated to the thread topic in order to have things to bash him about, so, yes, it is happening.

So people aren't finding a way to make THIS a bad thing, they're talking about other bad things
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RE: Trump agrees to meet with North Korea's Kim Jong Un, South Korea says - BmorePat87 - 03-09-2018, 09:59 AM

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