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Cop tailgated me at night time and then gave me a ticket for speeding lol
Related enough to post here.

New Jersey state troopers pulled over a woman who complied with the officers while mentioning she will be invoking her right to remain silent and not answer questions. They continue to badger her and threaten to arrest her and she mentions she's a lawyer who know her rights. She is put in handcuffs and told her detainment is due to "obstruction" related to not answering questions. They verbally read her the Miranda rights - including "the right to remain silent" before hauling her off to jail. A supervisor let her go without charges after reviewing the footage and passed of the incident as a "rookie" mistake.

[Image: Cz_eGI3UUAASnqC.jpg]

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RE: Cop tailgated me at night time and then gave me a ticket for speeding lol - 6andcounting - 03-11-2018, 08:06 PM

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