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Cop tailgated me at night time and then gave me a ticket for speeding lol
There are certainly asshole cops out there, just like any profession. I remember getting a ticket for going 35 in a 30 on a sunny July afternoon.

That said, speeding up and moving left was about the stupidest thing you can do in that situation. Speeding up and moving left is reserved for merging and overtaking. Best way to deal with a tailgater is to move right and let up off the gas to get them out of the way faster. Once they're by, resume normal driving.

It's suppose it's possible this cop was just out to get someone, but you essentially gave him or her the definition of erratic driving. Not sure about your state, but in many states moving to the left without passing is a tickets left offense itself.

Next time just move right and let up off the gas a bit.

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RE: Cop tailgated me at night time and then gave me a ticket for speeding lol - CKwi88 - 03-12-2018, 09:56 AM

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