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Does Money Trump Winning In The NFL?
And does location trump either of those?

I always thought about it and I always think "why would he go to that team?" but then I'm just like "it's not really a game to them...... it's business."

So I guess I'm just wondering how much money plays into it and what amount of money does one need to make winning not matter?

Also, I know players can live elsewhere in the offseason, but if you're a franchise QB or receiver, or just any core player, you're going to be living in a city for five or ten years, so how much does location factor into it all?

I guess it depends on how financially stable a player is to begin with, but then I also wonder about that scale.

How rich or financially stable does someone have to be to turn down a raise of a hundred grand in order to stay with a team they like or a location they like? What about 50 grand?

The NFL stands for Not For Long, so how much would it take to get a player to go from a Super Bowl contender to a last place team?

Are there too many variables to answer any of those questions?

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Does Money Trump Winning In The NFL? - BFritz21 - 03-14-2018, 09:57 AM

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