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Man wins gender discrimination lawsuit

Thought this would be a change up to the usual stuff on the board lately. Is this a case of be careful what you wish for liberals? And where does this go moving forward, not just in Europe but here in the states as well?

Quote:Man Wins Gender Discrimination Lawsuit After Job Given To Woman Instead Of Him
Joseph CurlMarch 21, 2018

PhotoAlto/Ale Ventura/Getty Images
Me Too? Me Three!

A court in Austria has ruled in favor of a man who claimed he was discriminated against for his gender when the company he worked for gave a managerial position to a woman instead of him.

The case stretches all the way back to 2011, when the Austrian Minister of Transport, Innovation and Technology led by Social Democrat politician Doris Bures decided to consolidate two departments and had to pick a new manager, Newsweek reports.

Transport ministry official Peter Franzmay applied for the job.

Three candidates came forward and were all judged to be highly-qualified for the role. Ursula Zechner, who then headed the rail regulator Schienen-Control, was ultimately offered the job over the other two male applicants. Franzmayr, whose application was rated 0.25 percent higher than Zechner's, sued for gender discrimination.

The Federal Administrative Court ruled in his favor on Monday, the Austrian press reported, and instructed the State to pay him compensation worth €317,368 (nearly $390,000)—the difference between his current salary and the one he would have earned in the role plus damages and interest.

The court found a "discernible pattern, according to which [Zechner] was treated more favourably than the other candidates from the beginning," it said in the ruling, quoted in AFP.

Bures, though, said there was no discrimination. She said the appointment was “carried out according to the procedure prescribed by law,” but added that a long history of “mass underrepresentation of women" did play a role in her decision to appoint a woman.

"I hope the current decision doesn't call into the question the principle of encouraging the promotion of women," she said.

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Man wins gender discrimination lawsuit - StLucieBengal - 03-21-2018, 03:23 PM

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