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The left doesn't want to take your guns!
(04-02-2018, 11:33 AM)fredtoast Wrote: Why?

I generally base my opinion of poll reulst on whgat the poll actually shows.  So if the poll shows that only a minority support repealing the 2nd ammendment then how you spin that to conclude what the other 60% think.

I made the logical conclusion that Dems are obviously much more likely to support extreme forms of gun control.

Quote:What about the ones who specifiaclly oppose repealing the 2nd amendment?  What conclusion can you draw about their position on other gun control issues.

The ones who specifically oppose such a move are a considerably smaller minority than the minority you just claimed doesn't mean anything.

Quote:Seems like you are just using a minority to crate an imaginary majority.

Using data to draw logical conclusions.

Quote:Please link me to a thread where it is claimed that ALL white people are white supremists just because of the actions of a minority of white people.

I'll be happy to do so as soon as I make this claim.  I don't get why you pull this tactic so often; claiming a person made an argument or claim they didn't make.  Everyone knows you do it and I don't understand why you think it helps your arguments.

Quote:Even if a poll showed 40% of white people wanted all non-whites expelled i would not try to argue that ALL white people support such extreme measures.

Neither would I. 

Quote:The fact is that you posted information that proves you are wrong.  A high percentage of "the left" support more gun regulation, but only a minority support repealling the 2nd amendment.  Therefore your argument that "Any gun regulation will lead to repeal of the 2nd amendment" is proven false by the info you posted yourself.

Again, in hopes of cracking the shell of obtuseness.  When 40% of a group supports the most extreme action and the group in question routinely engages in actions that, while less extreme still represent a much more extreme position than the rest of the populace, one can draw the logical conclusion that this group is much more likely to support extreme positions on said subject than others.

Lastly, I don't think it will lead to a repeal of the 2nd.  If you disagree, I'd kindly invite you to cite the post in which I made such a claim.  What I did say is that this is the goal of many anti-gun types and they finally feel emboldened enough to actually say it out loud.  The mask has slipped.  Smirk

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RE: The left doesn't want to take your guns! - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 04-02-2018, 11:46 AM

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