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Military Will Be Used To Protect Border
(04-05-2018, 11:21 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: What's funny is that one of the things Trump has talked about, ending/renegotiating NAFTA, could actually help this situation (if Trump didn't approach these things in a zero sum way). NAFTA has done tremendous harm to Mexico's economy and is one of the reasons the drug issue has gotten so bad there, as well as why we see so many immigrants coming across the border. Combine that with the change in our immigration policies that made Mexican immigrants the wrong kind of immigrants for us even though they are the ones we rely upon the most for agricultural labor, and there is a perfect storm of problems that is causing the immigration issue we see today.

We could pour as much money into border security as we pour into the DoD and it isn't going to do a damn bit of good to solve these problems. The solutions that have been offered by our government (note: this isn't Trump specific, or even GOP specific) do not solve anything, they are nothing more than optics for political gain. You can slap a fresh coat of paint on a condemned house, but it's still a condemned house, and that is what our current immigration policy amounts to.

We messed up years ago when we gave Mexico back half their country. We should have just kept it and driven the native population south. Would have been better for everyone, and our border would be more manageable. Besides Mexico has shown they have no idea how to have a civilized country.

Since we can’t put that toothpaste back into the bottle, we should seal off Mexico cancel nafta and close the border unless they agree to our trade demands.

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RE: Military Will Be Used To Protect Border - StLucieBengal - 04-05-2018, 12:08 PM

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