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Military Will Be Used To Protect Border
(04-05-2018, 02:18 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: This conversation would be a large one that could get very complex. I should note that one of the biggest things to look at and consider would be a reevaluation of NAFTA. This by no means is me saying we should scrap free trade with Mexico, but we should be looking at ways that we (and Canada) can work in partnership that benefits all countries. Finding ways to allow for economic growth up and down the continent will benefit all of us. This could include preferential treatment for Mexican goods that compete with Chinese products, it could mean changes to our agricultural subsidies so that farmers in Mexico can make money on goods shipped to us, it could mean a lot of different possibilities.

In addition to all of this are some other policies that are tangentially related. We all know of the problems that are occurring in Mexico regarding the cartels. Our DoJ has turned a blind eye to some of this because of the big money donors. Does anyone remember the HSBC issue a few years back and our government letting them get away with facilitating the money laundering for these cartels? If we work on the money side of these things, we can help Mexico better put an end to these cartels.

There are a lot of things that we can do that could help the situation in Mexico, and that is what will help curb illegal immigration. We saw a decrease in border crossings post-Great Recession. This was all because it wasn't as economically advantageous to risk coming over here. That should be setting off all sorts of bells for policy makers as far as what should be done to get at the root of the issue. We share borders with two countries (on the mainland). After our own interests, those two countries should be the next in line because when we help them, we also help ourselves.

I would support strengthening the continent. But Mexico needs to step up a lot and until they do there should be a tight border. It’s a long path for sure and the border can loosen after Mexico reaches some checkpoints. A continent doing well is ideal, but not at our expense, especially when Mexico does nothing.

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RE: Military Will Be Used To Protect Border - StLucieBengal - 04-05-2018, 03:09 PM

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