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Military Will Be Used To Protect Border
(04-06-2018, 07:49 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Oh, I have 0 doubt that if Hills would have gotten elected there'd be a population that didn't like her simply because of who she is, but those people would be just as closed minded as the folks that do the same toward Trump.

Folks will try to make themselves sound rational and say "we don't like him because of policies......) But those are the same folks that wanted him impeached about his 3rd day in office, so their attempts of claiming pragmatic thought falls flat.  

Where we disagree is when I say that the 2016 election was between two people that had made it clear long ago that they were people well deserving of ire.  Unsavory things about Hillary and Trump go back for decades, so I don't expect their detractors to completely disregard their past actions anymore than I'd expect their supporters to pretend Hilary wasn't an experienced politician and Trump didn't have a bajillion bucks.  You can't have it both ways.  You can't say remember all the things I've done to impress you, but when it comes to disliking me for the bad things I've done...well, forget those and give me a clean slate.  

They're both celebrity-level people.  It's not like they served their time and paid their various debts to society and we're supposed to give them a re-do.

This is the only election I can think of (at least in my lifetime) where both candidates were pop culturally known to be unlikable people who had done very public and very not awesome things in order to get where they are.  You ask me why I don't like Trump and why I don't trust him or give him a fair shake and I'll give you reasons that go back for decades and have nothing to do with him being president.  Same with Hilary.  

Meh, it just looks like the 2016 election was The Devil you Know vs The Devil you Know and neither candidate gets purified absolution just because they were elected to a certain office.  Not in my eyes, at least.  

tl:dr - Both candidates have been various forms of sleaze for decades and neither deserve to have their records expunged.  
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: Military Will Be Used To Protect Border - Nately120 - 04-06-2018, 08:08 PM

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