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Military Will Be Used To Protect Border
(04-06-2018, 08:08 PM)Nately120 Wrote: Meh, it just looks like the 2016 election was The Devil you Know vs The Devil you Know and neither candidate gets purified absolution just because they were elected to a certain office.  Not in my eyes, at least.  

tl:dr - Both candidates have been various forms of sleaze for decades and neither deserve to have their records expunged.  

I agree we shouldn't be expunging records, but I do see two differences here. 

1. Hillary served as a Senator and as Secretary of State. She knew government. And she showed a command of policy when she debated Trump. He brought Clinton accusers to one debate. That is what he showed.  Also, during the Benghazi hearing when she spent 9 hours grilled before House Republicans, she acquitted herself very well, never stepping in it, never contradicting herself, never losing her composure. Trump's lawyers find him a handful, scornful of advice and ready to incriminate himself second to second. If you are Putin, you would much rather be facing Trump than a composed and knowledgeable Hillary. 

2. A lot of the "sleaze" attributed to Hillary has curiously remained at the attribution stage. Lots of innuendo, something said in private or overheard by a friend of a friend, and in many cases just falsehood. A "suspicious" fee for a speech. A meeting with a Moroccan diplomat which turned out not to have happened. 20% of US uranium never actually sent to Russia. And mostly from sources like Fox, where one commentator kept a "body count" of people supposedly disappeared by the Clintons.   The sleaze attributed to the Grabber-in-Chief comes almost exclusively from his own public statements and court records--the depositions of stiffed contractors and Trump University students. There is some witness testimony--like the 19 women accusing him of sexual misconduct. (Not Stormy, of course. She was paid.) I just don't see the equivalence here.

One goal of Right Wing media has been to create a mediascape in which all manner of sleaze and false equivalence are thrown around so enough voters have difficulty sorting fact from fiction to give right wing candidates a chance. "Both sides do it. The parties are really the same. What have you got to lose?"
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: Military Will Be Used To Protect Border - Dill - 04-06-2018, 08:41 PM

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