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Saudi Prince Recognizes Israel’s Right To Exist
(04-06-2018, 11:36 PM)Dill Wrote: Jeezus. What a rationalization for Kushner's misuse of office.

Americans "enslave" foreign workers too. Are we all "scum"??

The base is a key to the US ability to project power in the Middle East--e.g., to bomb Isis in Syria or check Iran.

The bombing missions in Afghanistan fly from Qatar. 

Most of those enslaved workers come from "shithole" countries[/b ]. The [b]US presence in Qatar brings pressure to address human rights violations.
If I remember correctly, you wouldn't want those workers coming to the US. But if Qatar treats them badly they are scum???

When Americans who employ foreign workers are confiscating passports, confiscating phones, no days off, rape, beat, threaten legal ramifications if they do not do as their told. When this happens on a wide scale, we can have that discussion comparing Americans.

You just can’t get over defending these guys because they are Muslims and not white. They are true scum. None of virtue signaling is going to change any of that stuff.

Quote:Foreign maids, cleaners and other domestic workers are being subjected to slave-like labour conditions in Qatar, with many complaining they have been deprived of passports, wages, days off, holidays and freedom to move jobs, a Guardian investigation can reveal.

Hundreds of Filipino maids have fled to their embassy in recent months because conditions are so harsh. Many complain of physical and sexual abuse, harassment, long periods without pay and the confiscation of mobile phones.

Quote:The non-payment of wages, confiscation of documents and inability of workers to leave their employer constitute forced labour under UN rules. According to the International Labour Organisation, forced labour is "all work which is exacted from someone under the menace of any penalty and for which the said person has not offered himself voluntarily".

Lack of consent can include induced indebtedness and deception about the type and terms of work, withholding or non-payment of wages and the retention of identity documents. Initial consent may be considered irrelevant when deception or fraud has been used to obtain it.

"Menace of penalty" can include physical violence, deprivation of food and shelter, non-payment of wages, the inability to repay a loan, exclusion from future employment and removal of rights and privileges.

Modern-day slavery is estimated to affect up to 21 million people across the globe.

When the Guardian visited in January, at least 35 runaway maids had sought sanctuary at the POLO in the capital, Doha, which provides support to 200,000 Filipinos in Qatar. The welfare officer said most complained of pay being withheld, insufficient food, overwork and maltreatment. Some said they had endured verbal and physical abuse by sponsors of different nationalities.

Eight Filipino workers interviewed by the Guardian said they had not been paid for six months, were sometimes deprived of food while cleaning for long hours and had had their passports confiscated.

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RE: Saudi Prince Recognizes Israel’s Right - StLucieBengal - 04-07-2018, 03:39 AM

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