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Man Put To Death For 1989 Murder
(04-24-2018, 03:33 PM)michaelsean Wrote: I definitely think we should be paid for our organs after death. Not a highest bidder type thing, but a set price paid by whoever is paying for it to be transplanted. It goes to the same person it would have gone to. No changes at all in how they are allotted. Just an addition to the bill. Don’t know why it’s ok for everyone else to make money on a transplant but the donor. Probably see a big uptick in organ donors.

(04-24-2018, 03:55 PM)GMDino Wrote: I'll take them one at a time:

I saw let her.  I'd rather she be legally protected and tested but it's her body to sell.

Well we let people sell their blood and plasma and hair.  I remember a story on men selling their testicles.  So I guess we already allow that.

Depending on the drug it is probably illegal to use.  But I don't care if she does it herself as long as she is not a threat to others.

Again, *I* do not have a problem with it.  We have too puritan a view on the human body here anyway as far as I am concerned.  But I know there are laws against it because it can affect others.

Will she clean up after herself?  Smirk  I think this would fall under the same as the public nakedness in the sense that it affects others.

I always assumed it was because the woman is solely affected by the pregnancy (her body) and the fetus is not granted as rights as it is not a person yet.

Again, I know people don't like it.  I'm not here to argue in favor of abortion just to discuss the point made that everyone who is "pro-choice" should be for the death penalty.

I applaud you're consistency, both of you, but my point was more along the lines of how it seems the only time people complain about who gets to have a say in what people do with their bodies is during an abortion debate.
[Image: giphy.gif]

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RE: Man Put To Death For 1989 Murder - PhilHos - 04-24-2018, 04:44 PM

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